Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The above link will take you to the charcoal video we watched in class.


Copy from your book the following pages:

342, 343. 344 and 345 (these copies will be due next Monday)

Monday, May 20, 2013

homework Draw Eyes

On pages 80 and 81 of your book are examples of eyes -- Please copy them. And because there is class next Monday, the homework will be due next Monday.

If you have already completed this assignment you may devote your time to drawing in your sketch book.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tips for drawing

1. Look at the Figure
2.Plan your composition
3.Quickly sketch in the entire figure
4.Draw fast
5.Don’t erase
6.Add shadows and highlights
7.Draw the whole pose
8.Ground your figure
9.Date your Drawing
Tips are from Ryan McJunkin 's website

Dear Theo: The Autobiography of Vincent Van Gogh by Irving Stone and Jean Stone

As a young art student, I bought:

Dear Theo: The Autobiography of Vincent Van Gogh by Irving Stone and Jean Stone. The wisdom of Vincent on drawing and pursuing a life as an artist was most encouraging. One passage in particular spoke to me and I thought I would pass it onto you. 

This can be found on page 253 should you decide to buy this wonderful little book:

"There is a saying by Gustave Dore which I have always admired: 'J'ai la patience d'un boeuf.'  I find in it a certain resolute honesty. It is the word of a real artist. Ought one not learn patience from nature, learn patience from seeing the corn slowly ripen, seeing things grow? Should one think oneself so absolutely dead as to imagine one will grow no more? Should one deliberately thwart one's own development.

It was this little bit of wisdom that helped me as I learned to the skills to draw.